
PyCon Italia 11 cancelled

August 25, 2020

As you may already know from our previous notices, we have tried staying positive and optimistic. We would have loved so much our beloved PyCon Italia being a first step towards normality and we strongly believed that all this time would have pledged us with more clearness to face the following months, but this wasn’t the case. The international situation keeps changing very rapidly and in these very days we’re heading about new focuses and increasing infection numbers from many places around the world. Running an international event in this situation would threaten the safety of all the attendees and, as we stated before, safety is our first concern now.

We know that many events happened online, we did evaluate this option, but we eventually decided to cancel anyway. Remote online events are similar to in-person events, but they are a different thing in the end and we are aware that we can’t afford to convert everything while keeping the quality of content and services we’ve always aimed to offer with the effort of all our voluntaries.

We thank everyone who believed in and trusted us, in the upcoming weeks we’ll refund all the sold tickets and the booked rooms. We thank so much all those speakers that submit proposals, we got HUNDREDS of papers submitted. For anyone being interested in taking part in the organisation of the next year’s PyCon IT, or to be more active in the Python Italia Association initiatives, the Slack channel is always open and welcoming :)

The good news is that we already have a date for the next year. Obviously our idea is to have an in-person event, but this time we’ll have a B plan ready for any potential extension of the emergency situation.

PyCon Italia has always been a place to meet friends and old mates, like some kind of widen family, and we’ll do our best in order to keep this human and participation dimension alive.

The PyCon Italia Staff

Matteo Benci
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